Integrated Topic Term 2

I am learning to: Express my understanding of change.

Task: Draw something to show what you know about change.

Before Learning

During Learning

After Learning

Student reflection  on learning

Now I know.......plants change when they grow.

Maths Term 2

We are learning to:
Make statements about a data display.
We can do this when we can:
Correctly say one or more things about a display of data on a pictogram .
E.g " I notice the most popular eye colour in Room 22 is blue".

Student Comment:
I notice apples are 8 peoples favourite fruit.

Writing Term 2

We read a book called 'The Cat in the Hat' by Dr Seuss. We used our Green Thinking Hat to write a creative story about what would happen if Thing 1 & Thing 2 (characters from the book) came to our house.

We are learning to:
Use the Green Thinking Hat (creativity) to write a story.

We can do this when we can: 
-Write a story that keeps the reader interested.
-Write in detail.
-Use interesting words.
-Publish our work carefully.

Student Reflection:
Something positive about my writing: It's funny.
My next step: Publish my writing carefully.

Writing Term 1

It is spiky like a hedgehog. It looks like nut brown colour.

We are learning to
Write a description

We can do this when we can:  
Use describing words
Use our senses - looks like
Edit our writing

Using an animal skin we wrote a description of what a wolf looks like.

Next step:
Add more detail to your writing.

Integrated Topic Term 1

I am learning to: Express my understanding of conflict.

Task: Make something to show what you know about conflict.

Before Learning

During Learning

After Learning

Student reflection  on learning

Now I think.......I can solve conflict by talking to people.