
Hazelnuts fall from trees so tall,Nuts - Free vector graphics on Pixabay
Bouncing from branch to snow.
It sits in a pile, for quite a while
trying to get out of the snow.
A small brown mouse comes
out of his house to look for some
twigs and leafs.
¨Oh look,” he said, scratching his head. “A nut a nut,Image result for hazelnut in the snow
I quite fancy a midnight feast.”
So inside goes the nut as frightened as
can be.
¨In you go in you go into my stick house,” said the mouse. Inside the house the mouse was talking. “So how shall I eat you, I could make peanut butter or pancakes with nuts blueberries and whipped cream.” “Mmmm!” said the mouse licking his lips.
Well for the nut it looks like this Christmas has come to the end.

creatures of the deep.

WALT write a moment in time.

We were at home and my mum was telling my sister off when she had a call on her radio, there was a huge earthquake and there was a part of the ocean that had opened up. There's something dangerous there. I begged my mum not to leave me with my sister but she wouldn't budge. So I was stuck babysitting.

Suddenly, I saw a huge tentacle shoot out of the water. I ran to the kitchen while my sister clung to my hand. I took two sharp knives from a draw and handed
one to my sister.

Then I felt something slimy wrap round my legs and then it tosses me and my sister in the water.

I could taste the salty sea water then we were pulled up onto a rescue boat and mum was on it. The salty water was making my lips sting.

I smelt the salty air as we were dodging the tentacles that shot up from the water. The smell of the salty air made me think of movies where people get stuck out in the ocean for years.

I wondered would this ever end.

click the links to find out more about the ocean,sea life and octopuses       Ocean   Sea life    Octopuses and squids

Waipara camp